
kady r.


About me:  I’m originally from Evansville, Indiana but since graduating college, I’ve lived in six different states since 2009. Hawaii was my personal favorite! I developed a passion for fitness when I stumbled upon long distance running and have since completed 4 marathons. I have been eager for an outlet that allows me to motivate and encourage others to pursue their fitness goals regardless of what life throws your way! When I’m not in the studio, I am most likely chasing around my 5 year old son and 2 year old daughter.

Music I love right now:  Honestly, I’m down for anything but classic rock and heavy metal.

Guilty pleasure:  Eating all the sweets! Driving in my car alone-without my kids. Online shopping.

Superpower:  Mind reading

Inner Rockstar:  Queen Bey of course.

Favorite move to give you the shakes:  Kneeling Inner Thighs. Hurts so good.

"get comfortable with being uncomfortable!"

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