
lauren s.


About me: I grew up in a family of athletes and was a competitive runner in my earlier days. Through my competitive nature, I developed an eating disorder which held me back from pursuing track in college. That battle led me to discover a true love and passion for nutrition and the science behind it’s impact on human anatomy both physically and mentally. With a medical background, I am very science-minded. I bring elements of science into everything I do, including my [Solidcore] classes. Fitness and nutrition go hand-in-hand and have always been my true passions throughout life. I find immense happiness through motivating others and pushing my clients outside of their comfort zones.

Guilty Pleasure: Chocolate b/c my sweet tooth is OUT of control

Zodiac Sign: Leo

Superpower: Reading the vibe

Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Elevated V-up/Push-up Combo

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me: I am a Nutritionist and 1:1 Health Coach. I enjoy traveling, eating at every new restaurant I can find in the city, and have always been an artist (low key).

Instagram handle: @laurensmir

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