
andrea m.

About me:

I am a lover of all things health and wellness. If I am not taking a [solidcore] class, you can catch me on a hot girl walk, lifting, or taking a different group fitness class! I, also, strive to live a BALANCED lifestyle. When I am not working out, I am either cooking the latest TikTok trending recipe, at happy hour, or making a new playlist for class. You can definitely expect to hear some 90’s – 2000’s throwbacks!

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

seated biceps curl

Guilty Pleasure:

listening to the same song over and over again (current fav for the past year is Are You That Somebody by Aaliyah)

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

Outside of [solidcore], you’ll catch me either on a hot girl walk or at happy hour!

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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