
drew e.

About me:

Hi I’m Drew! I was born and raised in Washington DC and moved back here in 2020 after graduating from Dickinson College. I took my first [solidcore] class in 2021 and fell in love with the workout and how it made me feel so mentally and physically strong. I’m so excited to be a part of this community and have the opportunity to empower others to step into their strength. Outside of [solidcore] I’m obsessed with all things music, sustainable fashion, and spending time with my friends!

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

Kneeling Inner Thighs

Guilty Pleasure:

Re-watching Taylor Swifts Reputation Tour on Netflix anytime I experience any minor inconvenience.

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

You can find me trying new restaurants with friends, looking for the best vintage/thrift stores and pop-ups around town, and writing music to perform around the city!

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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