
erica s.


About me: I‘m Jersey girl who moved to MoCo, Maryland and loves every minute! I graduated from Penn State University with a Kinesiology degree and just knew, post-grad, I wanted to become a group fitness coach. I’ve always loved fitness and got into working out when I started college. I had never taken a [solidcore] class before interviewing to become a coach, but I immediately fell in love with the workout!

Music I love right now: Country and pop are my first loves, but I’ve been getting into EDM more recently making playlists for class & I’m loving it.

Guilty pleasure: A huge bowl of pasta and any ABC TV show (Grey’s, Bachelor, etc.)

Superpower: I’m the best playlist curator of all time

Inner rockstar: Ariana Grande (think Positions era)

Favorite move to give you the shakes: Bulgarian Split Squat

Fun fact: My favorite pasta dish is, and forever will be, fettuccine alfredo.

"challenge yourself to do something uncomfortable in class today, because that's what helps facilitate the change you want to see"

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