
katie s.


About me:  Originally from Southern California, I grew up as a competitive dancer and continued to dance in college on the University of Arizona’s Pomline & Dance Team. After graduating I moved to NYC to pursue a career in Marketing and currently work at a top media company in advertising. I found [solidcore] pretty quickly after moving and immediately fell in love with the workout, the [shakes] and incredible community. Movement and fitness have always been a huge part of my life and I am so excited to share my passion and encourage others to find their own inner strength and become the best versions of themselves!

Music I love right now:  Early 2000s Pop & Hip-Hop remixes are my jam.

Guilty pleasure:  Bachelor in Paradise

Superpower: Getting the party started wherever I am!

Inner Rockstar: Hannah Montana

Favorite move to give you the shakes:  Carriage lunges baby!

"you're stronger than you think!"

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