
kimberly r.


About me:  Boy mom, dog mom, fitness lover, foodie, always creative, forever optimistic and I truly love having a job that makes others feel great about themselves and their bodies.

Music I love right now:  I love music so much! My favorites are constantly changing and I love almost all genres. When it comes to my workout playlists I get bored quickly, so I am constantly adding new songs and creating new mixes.

Guilty pleasure:  Black truffle burrata on freshly baked bread, a great cabernet, or on the rare occasion a manhattan straight up, and pjs on as soon (if not before) the sun goes down.

Superpower: Fantasy: The power to heal. Reality: Empathy, so I’ve been told.

Inner Rockstar: Rosie the Riveter

Favorite move to give you the shakes:  Hamstring Curls

pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.

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