
travis l.


About me:  Hi friends! I’m from Boulder, Colorado and got to NYC by way of Santa Barbara, Chicago, and Baltimore. I’m a mechanical engineer by day and fitness enthusiast and volleyball player by night. I love [Solidcore] because the Capricorn in me loves the constant challenge and up-leveling that [Solidcore] requires to truly build physical and mental strength every class. Can’t wait to be your hype man under the blue lights or catch you in random fitness classes around the city!

Guilty Pleasure: Donuts

Zodiac Sign:  Capricorn Sun, Pisces Moon, Sagittarius Rising

Superpower: Always in motion

Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Single Arm Kneeling Lat Row

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:  Engineer, volleyball player, runner, dancer, Broadway enthusiast, martini drinker

Instagram handle: @travislaunyc

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