
alelujah r.

About me:

I’m a part-time coach/yoga teacher, a full-time eye doctor, and mom to 3 doggos. Fun fact: your overall health can have a direct impact on your vision (so make sure to get your eyes checked regularly!). Im an aspiring traveler, an amateur coffee connoisseur, and I listen to my audiobooks at 1.7x (if that tells you anything about my personality). My favorite thing about teaching fitness is being able to connect with like-minded people and supporting others in their journey to becoming their strongest self. In my class, I’ll bring the vibes and you bring the work; I’ll encourage the challenges so you can feel empowered to take them! Together as a team, we’ll push past your limits and celebrate all your wins inside and outside of the studio.

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

Straight Leg Deadlift

Guilty Pleasure:

anything chocolate (I have a HUGE sweet tooth), indulging in overpriced acai bowls knowing that I have all the stuff to make it at home

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

You can find me teaching yoga, weightlifting, trying new cocktail bars

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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