
evan g.


About me: I’m originally from Boston, Massachusetts but moved to Austin for graduate school at UT. I am a PhD student in political theory and government, and [solidcore] is my reprieve from doing that all day. When I first took [solidcore] I had almost no fitness experience, but I instantly fell in love with the workout! I’m so happy to be coaching here in Austin and (when I’m not under the blue lights) I like to enjoy everything the city has to offer from food to bars to the outdoors!

Guilty Pleasure: Prosecco and Peanut M&Ms

Zodiac Sign: Taurus

Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Standing outer thighs

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:  I’m a PhD student in political theory and government at UT and love exploring Austin’s food, bars, and outdoors.

Instagram handle: @evancreegee