Movement designed to transform your body & ignite your potential

These Pilates-inspired exercises are at the core of our low-impact, high-intensity workout. These aren't your typical exercises. They're specifically designed to work your muscles to the point of [failure] on our resistance training reformer, [sweatlana]. Each slow and controlled [solidcore] exercise is carefully crafted to target type 1, or slow-twitch, muscle fibers. As they break down, you may experience the "shakes" — which is a good thing. This means your muscles are getting stronger! With continuous training, our low-impact workout will improve your muscular endurance.. You will start to see and feel noticeable muscle definition and an increase in overall muscular strength. Book a class at a [solidcore] near you and take your workout to the next level.

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Group of people performing high-intensity Pilates exercises on resistance training reformers at a [solidcore] studio

Discover Dynamic [solidcore] Exercises

Curious to learn more about the workout in our [solidcore] classes? Watch our various tutorials below demonstrating how to perform each of our Pilates-based exercises. From core-strengthening planks and ab exercises to full-body movements that engage multiple muscle groups simultaneously, our reformer workout will challenge your body and mind, pushing you to new heights of strength and endurance. Utilizing our [solidcore] reformer, these exercises were developed to help you create the strongest version of yourself while reducing the risk of injury, and maximizing results. Find a studio today and experience the [solidcore] transformation for yourself in our group fitness classes.

Close-up of individuals performing high-intensity Pilates exercises on reformer machines at a [solidcore] studio
select an exercise on the left

plank crunch

  1. Elbows stacked under shoulders.
  2. Hips lifted in line w/ shoulders.
  3. Engage core to bend knees and round spine.
  4. Knees stop directly underneath hips.

plank extension

  1. Elbows start stacked under shoulders.
  2. Push elbows out past shoulders.
  3. Hips stay still and lifted in line w/ shoulders, maintain flat back.
  4. Bring elbows back underneath shoulders.

elevated v-up

  1. Hands on handlebars, weight shifted forward, shoulders shifted slightly in front of hands.
  2. Toes behind carriage strap, heels lifted high.
  3. Hips stay lifted.
  4. Legs straight, contract abs to lift hips. Feet come to the line of the hips.

elevated crunch

  1. Hands on handlebars, weight shifted forward, shoulders shifted slightly in front of hands.
  2. Toes behind carriage strap, heels lifted high.
  3. Hips stay lifted.
  4. Contract abs to bend knees. Feet come to the line of the hips.

platform lunge

  1. Foot of active (working) leg on platform, weight stays in front leg.
  2. Back (non-working) leg on carriage, toes behind strap, back heel lifted.
  3. Decelerate backwards and down until glute in line with knee (Front leg at 90 degree).
  4. Shoulders shifted forward. Crown of head pointing towards top of mirror.
  5. Contract glutes, drive through the active foot to straighten the front leg 80%. Maintain a micro-bend in the knee.

bulgarian split squat

  1. Foot of active (working) leg on ground, calf against bar, balance weight between heel and big toe of foot.
  2. Back leg toes behind carriage strap.
  3. Hips/shoulders square towards mirror.
  4. Shift hips back and down until thigh parallel to ground.
  5. Contract glutes, drive through the active foot to straighten the front leg 80%. Maintain a micro-bend in the knee.
  6. Press through front heel to come up 80% of the way, never locking out at the top.

heavy squat

  1. One foot on platform, one foot on carriage against strap, feet hip width distance apart.
  2. Maintain upright chest, hinge hips back and down until glutes are in line with the knee.
  3. Feet stay hip width distance apart entire movement.
  4. Contract glutes, drive through both feet to straighten the legs 80%. Maintain a micro-bend in both knees.

carriage lunge

  1. Foot of active (working) leg on carriage, weight stays in front leg.
  2. Foot of back (non-working) leg on platform. Back heel elevated.
  3. Shoulders shifted forward. Crown of head pointing towards top of mirror.
  4. Decelerate forward and down until front knee is at a 90 degree lunge, front knee stays stacked over front ankle.
  5. Drive through the front foot, squeeze glute and hamstring to come up 80% of the way. Maintain a micro-bend in the knee.

twisted plank extension

  1. Elbows stacked under shoulders, shoulders squared.
  2. Left knee on platform, right knee resting on top of left, feet off side of platform.
  3. Hips open towards wall, right hip stacked on top of left hip, torso twisted.
  4. Hips stay still, contract left oblique, push elbows out past shoulders.
  5. Bring elbows back directly underneath shoulders.

oblique crunch

  1. Elbows stacked under shoulders, shoulders squared.
  2. Left foot in front of right, heels lifted.
  3. Hips open towards wall, right hip stacked on top of left hip, torso twisted.
  4. Contract left oblique, bend knees & crunch in toward right tricep.

elevated oblique v-up

  1. Hands on handlebars, weight shifted forward, shoulders 2 inches in front of hands.
  2. Left foot in front of right behind carriage strap, heels down flat on carriage.
  3. Hips stay lifted & open towards wall, shoulders squared.
  4. Legs straight, contract left oblique, hips lift as carriage comes in.

elevated oblique crunch

  1. Hands on handlebars, weight shifted forward, shoulders 2 inches in front of hands.
  2. Toes behind carriage strap, Left foot in front of right, heels lifted.
  3. Hips stay lifted & open towards wall, shoulders squared.
  4. Contract left oblique, bend knees & crunch in toward right tricep.

seated upright row

  1. Butt on line 1, feet underneath carriage strap, shoulders behind hips (row-boat position).
  2. Black cables in hand. Palms face down with a micro-bend in arms.
  3. Contract upper back and engage lats to drive elbows high and wide.
  4. Slowly return arms to starting position. Keep a micro-bend in elbows.

seated low row

  1. Butt on line 1, feet underneath carriage strap, shoulders behind hips (row-boat position).
  2. Black cables in hand. Palms face each other with a micro-bend in arm,.
  3. Contract upper back, biceps and engage lats to drive elbows back towards the mirror behind you.
  4. Slowly return arms to starting position. Keep a micro-bend in elbows.

seated bicep curl

  1. Butt on line 1, feet in front, shoulders behind hips (row-boat position).
  2. Black cables in hand. Palms face up with elbows lifted away from ribcage. Arms extended to a micro-bend.
  3. Contract biceps to stack wrists on top of elbow.
  4. Slowly return arms to starting position. Keep a micro-bend in elbows.

kneeling tricep kickback

  1. Knees between carriage lines 2&3.
  2. Black cables in hands, palms face behind you, bend forward.
  3. Elbows stay close to ribs, start at 90 degree angle.
  4. Contract triceps, extend hands behind you as far as possible, elbows stay still.
  5. Slowly bring hands underneath elbows to return to a 90 degree angle.

kneeling rear delt press

  1. Knees between carriage lines 2&3.
  2. Black cables in hands, palms face behind you, hands start at hips.
  3. Contract triceps & upper back, push cables behind you as far as possible.
  4. Slowly bring hands back in-line w/ hips.