
inger c.

About me: I grew up in central Iowa and moved to Philadelphia where I graduated from University of the Arts with a BFA in Dance in 2015. After graduation, I moved to NYC to pursue dance and fitness. I’m obsessed with creating community and making space for people to feel powerful in their bodies. To me, this is what [solidcore] is all about, and I’m so grateful to be a part of the [team]!

Guilty Pleasure: I hate using the word guilty, because no one should feel guilty when leaning into life’s pleasures! However, nothing beats a cheese board, a glass of wine, a nice candle, a moisturizing face mask, cat snuggles, and a true crime doc.

Zodiac Sign: Virgo

Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Standing Inner Thighs

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me: I’m a dancer, choreographer, curator, and full-time cat mom!

Instagram handle: @ingercooper