
kaitlyn i.


About me:  I started taking solidcore 2 years ago and immediately fell in love. Since then I’ve lost about 80 pounds with a combination of exercise and building a good relationship with food. With every exercise I did in that time nothing quite hit like solidcore did. The community and coaches got me through a time in my life that was extremely challenging. I started to get stronger physically and mentally and soon decided I wanted to be able to share my story and help others going through something similar by becoming a coach! It was easily best decision I’ve ever made. Though coming from little to no experience in the fitness industry this community helped me grow so much within myself. I found my confidence again! I now get to do what I love everyday by continuously working on myself and helping others become the strongest versions of themselves possible.

Guilty Pleasure: Shopping & ice creammmm

Zodiac Sign: Cancer

Favorite [solidcore] move to give you the shakes: Kneeling Inner Thighs

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me: Outside of solidcore I am just an ordinary gal working a waitressing job. I love to travel! Always booking the next flight I can, or spending time with friends and fam. You’ll also catch me taking another coaches class cause I can’t get enough! Lol

Instagram handle: @kaitlynifitness

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