
kiah r.

About me:

I graduated with my Bachelor of Science Degree in Sport Management from Winston-Salem State University in Winston-Salem, NC. During my tenure I was a Tri-Athlete in Softball, Cheered, Track & Field throwing Javelin as well as a member of Dance the Troupe T.I.M (Talented in Motion). I have improved my flexibility and mobility over the years and feel a difference in my posture and balance. In my free time I enjoy my Semi-Pro Dance team, Train/Volunteer with MadMiles Run Club and try to find all of the hidden treasures and restaurants Charlotte has to offer!

Favorite [solidcore] exercise:

Oblique Crunch

Guilty Pleasure:

Mango applesauce and binging Netflix or YouTube

Outside of [solidcore] you can find me:

Dancing, running with MadMiles or eating

Zodiac Sign:


Instagram handle:


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